“One of the Theo’s gifts is the ability to translate the esoteric language of inner alchemy into down-to-earth, practical language that goes straight to the heart of the matter. His training as a transpersonal psychotherapist and his many years of meditation in the Sufi tradition along with his Shamanic studies, create a highly synergistic field for assisting people on their path through the dark unknown and into the light of awareness.
Theodore Kyriakos guides people the world over into the sacred flame of the heart.”
At the early age of eighteen, I discovered the Eastern traditions and immediately resonated with mindfulness and mediation. From that time on, I devoted my life to studying and practicing such modalities as depth psychology, psychotherapy, dream work, hands-on-healing, Tai-Chi, Sufi mysticism, Shamanism, somatic (body) work, NLP and Alchemy.
I was born in Greece, Lived and studied In London, U.K. and currently residing in United States. I have years of personal and professional experience as a psychotherapist, group facilitator, and supervisor in the UK as well as a transformational coach in the U.S. I hold an MA and Advanced Diploma in Integrative Transpersonal Counseling and Psychotherapy (CCPE, London, UK), and a post-grad Diploma in Dream-work and Supervision.
My work focuses on awakening awareness, Self transformation and Self individuation. My training includes knowledge from Eastern and Western traditions. Since relocating to the States I have focused primarily on Shadow Work as a way to help you explore and unfold your true potential, develop your inner resources, and access your creativity in order to live a more authentic and activated life. I offer powerful, creative tools to engage the here and now, draw wisdom from inner conflict, and transform the relationship with Self and Other, thus introducing more love, freedom and joy into your everyday life. The path of in depth inner work, is a path of awakening.
Professional Qualifications:
– MA, Diplm. Integrative Transpersonal psychotherapy and counseling – CCPE
– Supervisor Diploma from CCPE in London, UK
– Advance Diploma in Transpersonal Psychotherapy from CCPE in London, UK
– ISSD (International Society for the Study of Dissociation) training
– Diploma in Spiritual Guidance through Dreamwork
– NLP Practitioner
– Hypnosis

My personal approach:
All of life’s experience is part of our personal developmental challenge, our evolutionary journey. Often is not easy to see how a difficult experience can be helping us grow. Increasing awareness helps us understand and transform our struggles into gifts. The result is increased happiness, love, freedom and wisdom in our life.
The way I practice is by establishing a safe, trusting relationship in which the client feels free to express personal thoughts and emotions. It is through this free expression that we gain deep, personal insight and have the opportunity to integrate the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our personality. I aim to help clients explore their true potential, to develop their inner resources, and to access their creativity. I also teach mindfulness, helping individuals to process difficult feelings, reduce and manage stress (at home, work etc.), improve relationships and optimize authentic expression, creativity and productivity.